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                                  Graph Unit 
                                Fill Constants 

      PURPOSE:  Constant declarations used for Fill patterns

      REMARKS:  Use these constants with GetFillSettings and SetFillStyle.

                   EmptyFill       = 0;  { Fills area in background color }
                   SolidFill       = 1;  { Fills area in solid fill color }
                   LineFill        = 2;  { --- Fill }
                   LtSlashFill     = 3;  { /// Fill }
                   SlashFill       = 4;  { /// Fill with thick lines }
                   BkSlashFill     = 5;  { \\\ Fill with thick lines }
                   LtBkSlashFill   = 6;  { \\\ Fill }
                   HatchFill       = 7;  { Light Hatch fill }
                   XHatchFill      = 8;  { Heavy cross-hatch fill }
                   InterLeaveFill  = 9;  { Interleaving fill }
                   WideDotFill     = 10; { Widely spaced dot fill }
                   CloseDotFill    = 11; { Closely spaced fill }
                   UserFill        = 12; { User defined fill }

                NOTE: Use SetFillPattern to define your own Fill pattern,
                      then call:

                         SetFillStyle(UserFill, AnyColor);

                      to make your pattern the active style.

See Also: GetFillSettings SetFillStyle SetFillPattern
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